Mar 5, 2006

FAQs about My Life, Me, and My Blog

1. No, this isn't turning into a "food blog," although Scrivener has moved me from his "academic" blogroll to the "parenting" blogroll. That relieves me of the pressure to use the words like lacuna, interpellate, invidious, and reify. Now I need to talk about my kids more! Geez.

2. We did decide to send Jack to the local public school. We have told all necessary parties, and feel really good about this decision. We live in a great school district, and are blessed to even have a choice. So many parents don't.

3. My writing group is getting more productive because we're getting to know each other better. They are encouraging me to write a real food memoir. I figure since I am fairly good at writing and cooking, and have all those handwritten recipes from Nana and my Mom, and don't have a "real" job, that it's a reasonable thing to do. I've read Julie & Julia, which I thought was good if rather bloggy. I love Ruth Reichl, and am just now reading her first book, Tender at the Bone. Personal essays with recipes scattered here and there. Next on my list is Laurie Colwin. I have already read John Thorne, who is the best contemporary food writer I have ever read. Of course I've read M.F.K. Fisher and Elizabeth David from a few decades ago.

4. I'm considering using my real name for my blog, and focusing more on the book idea, in which case, hey, I guess it may become a food blog, oh, hell, I should stop worrying about these categories. I still love the name "Dream Kitchen," though, and actually the title would still work with what I'd like to do, to tie food in with the desires and dreams of my grandmother, mother, and me. Food becomes a way into writing about everything else.


Sugarmama said...

Well, I'D certainly continue reading your blog, being the food-lover I am. Have at it!

jo(e) said...

Scrivener just uses his blog hierarchy to play with our minds. At least you got the number two spot in your category on the blogroll-- I'm way down the list in my category. And I don't understand why I get listed as an academic instead of as a parent. I've got four kids. How many kids do you need to be considered a parent? Sheesh.

I really like the idea of a food memoir. You've written some beautiful posts about food already.

Scrivener said...

I try really hard not to think too hard about the categories on my blogroll. I think I moved you a long time ago, though, because you had that great post about poop.

Glad to hear the writing group is improving! And I think the food memoir sounds like a great idea too.

susan said...

I was wondering what your school decision was just the other day (as we are in the midst of our annual school-choice-decision thinking ourselves). And I'm glad the writing group is getting better.

You know, as you start poring over the handwritten recipes, you may find lacunae in your texts that require you to interpellate your deepest assumptions about the material realities underlying the production of the original items, of course without reifying the original cook's intent or otherwise bowing to the hegemonic forces of traditional culinary modes of interpretation.

Or you might just write beautiful stories that trace the connection between food, family, and history. Which I'll look forward to reading.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your decision for Jack's schooling. I'm a fan of your blog no matter what the classification.

Phantom Scribbler said...

Wandering in late as usual. You know that the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe has a huge collection of cookbooks from previous eras, for when you're trying to fill those lacunae in the hand-written recipes? There's nothing like a little research trip to help you interpellate your deepest assumptions about the material realities underlying the production of the original items and all.

You can judge my authority to offer tips on food memoirs either by (a) my status as an alum of the above-mentioned institution, or (b) my status as the current holder of the coveted number one spot on Scrivener's parenting blogroll. (Though I bet if you posted more frequently, he'd bump you up to the top spot.)