Nov 4, 2010

Green Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, and Sausage

OMG!!!! Let me collect myself. Here's what happened. We had several green tomatoes from the CSA, and much as I love fried green tomatoes (and I mean pan-fried because I never deep-fry), they are labor-intensive. We also had a backlog of butternut squash. And we had just received a "breakfast box" as a special order from the CSA, which is just different types of ham, sausage, and bacon.

I like to roast a whole bunch of fall veggies together, so I thought, hmmm. Here's what I did. The tartness of the tomatoes balanced the sweetness of the squash, and the sausage just melds perfectly.

Roasted Green Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, and Onions, with Sausage

green tomatoes
butternut squash
fresh sage
olive oil
sea salt
fresh ground pepper
uncooked sausage

Preheat oven to 400. Line one or two cookie sheets with aluminum foil.

Cut some green tomatoes into quarters or eighths, depending on size. Put in a large bowl.

Repress any desire to peel the squash, as the skin is just fine to eat. Cut the squash into flat chunks and add to bowl.

Quarter the onions or cut into eighths. Add to bowl.

Drizzle olive oil over the vegetables, and add a little salt and pepper to taste. You want a light coating of the oil over all.

Spread in one layer on cookie sheet,vegetables touching each other. Leave a good inch on the sides.

Roast for a while. Check after twenty minutes and then every ten to see if they've gotten a bit soft and browned. The onion will char a little, and that's OK, but you might want to take them out then.

While the veggies are roasting, cook the sausage. Squeeze it out of its casing into a preheated skillet and cook until there's no pink.

Chop the fresh sage. My sage out there in the garden seems strong, so I just put in a teaspoon, chopped super fine.

Mix the vegetables and sausage and serve over pasta, quinoa, couscous, something like that. I cooked this ahead of time, since my boys had a bass lesson from 5:00 to 6:00. I texted Mr. Dream Kitchen to cook the pasta and voila, a lovely autumn supper.

P.S. Anyone can comment now--you don't need a blog or a Google account. That's an invitation, dear readers.


Domestic Goddess said...

Green Tomatoes are labor intensive? Naaaah. And I am super glad someone swapped them back in, 'cause they were yummers.

martha said...

So excited to finally get some use out of the green tomatoes in my garden. I also have some butternut squash from my father in law, so now all I need is some fresh sausage from the Co-Op. Perfect day to stay inside and enjoy the smells of roasting veggies! Thanks!

Connie Gilday said...

I was wondering what to do with the green tomatoes and butternut squash!!

Robin said...

Catching up in advance of our visit this evening. :) Why don't I get to these posts more often, as I do so enjoy them? New Year's Resolution #375. I'm printing out your recipe to try this winter...